The Apostle’s House Ministries
The Apostle’s House ministries- ‘Young People’s Initiative’ is about the cultivation of the youth and their gifts and callings. The vision originates from the need to release those youth who have recognized that they have been called into the ministry without delay. Our youth have no real direction as to how to execute, and/or perform the offices and gifts of ministry. They have been taught the church which teaches religion. They haven’t on the other hand been taught the KINGDOM. Therefore, this ministry becomes necessary to the development of Kingdom doctrine within the forthcoming generations.
The Apostle’s House ministries – ‘Apostolic Retreat’ is about the rest, restoration, and association of the Apostles with others of their own office. The fellowship of the Apostles is key to the ongoing work of the up-building of the Kingdom.
As the Work of the Kingdom of Christ advances additional components of the Vision regarding the ‘Apostles House Ministries’ be will unveiled.